A Day in the Life of Jade, Communications Officer

Published 30 September 2022

Picture of woman with young baby looking at camera smiling, standing next to Kangaroos

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I joined ADNSW a few months ago after returning from maternity leave. It's fair to say the past year has been busy for me - I've had a baby, moved house and started a new job!

My family comes from Newcastle but growing up we moved around quite a bit. I've lived in some great places like Ballina, Perth and even Papua New Guinea. Somehow, we always seem to end up back in Sydney so that's where I call home.

Why did you join Anti-Discrimination NSW?

I am passionate about working for an organisation that allows me to make a difference. Working at ADNSW gives me the opportunity to use my communication skills and experience in a meaningful way - to help communities gain access to services that can help them.

Can you describe your role? 

I job share with my colleague Gillian, and together we deliver all communications for ADNSW. 

My day-to-day role has more of a digital focus and involves managing and maintaining the ADNSW website, fact sheets and resources. I also provide support with social media, our monthly e-newsletter, Equal Time, and the Annual Report.

The first six months of my role at ADNSW has been busy. We launched the Workplace Adjustments Series and relocated to a new office, which meant updating all ADNSW resources and communications.

What do you like most about your job?

The work is always different and interesting. One day you might be updating the website or working on a social media post, and the next you are on set assisting with filming interviews for a project you are working on. Not to mention all the little things that pop up in between! I'm always learning something new.

What keeps you busy outside of work?

When I can find the time between looking after a cheeky one year old and two very spoilt cats, I like to do pilates, go to the beach or read a good book.

I also love to travel. Despite COVID putting a dampener on overseas travel, I have been lucky to have some nice holidays in Australia this year with my family. Most recently we visited Tasmania, where my son loved feeding the kangaroos! 

Last updated:

20 Jun 2024

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