Information sessions and events

We are committed to educating people about anti-discrimination legislation so they can recognise discrimination and know where to report it.

We offer free community information sessions for community workers and other people who advise clients, consumers and members of the public about their rights and responsibilities under anti-discrimination law.

We can also provide a speaker for your community event, seminar, workshop, meeting or conference.

​Anti-discrimination rights, advice and strategies

The session enables participants to recognise when unfair treatment may be against the law and when it is not, and give accurate advice to members of the community about their rights under anti-discrimination law. 

This information session will help you recognise when unfair treatment may be against the law and when it is not.

The session covers:

  • the role of Anti-Discrimination NSW
  • the types of discrimination that are against the law
  • areas of public life covered by anti-discrimination law
  • exceptions and exemptions from the Anti-Discrimination Act
  • how to lodge a complaint with Anti-Discrimination NSW.

Contact us to book a free community information session

Last updated:

04 Mar 2024

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