Anti-discrimination NSW has developed a series of podcasts on workplace adjustments.
The series features people with disability and managers working in the NSW public service telling personal stories and highlighting the importance of workplace adjustments.
In this episode, we talk to Mandi Barnao from Transport for NSW about living with an invisible disability and the workplace adjustments she has in place for herself and her team members.
Podcast transcript: Episode 1 (Document, 9.1 KB)
In this episode, we talk to Andrew Radnedge from the Department of Communities and Justice about how he implements workplace adjustments as a manager.
Podcast transcript: Episode 2 (Document, 8.9 KB)
In this episode, we talk to Berindah Aicken from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice about how workplace adjustments allow her to manage the pain and fatigue of her physical disability to do her job well.
Podcast transcript: Episode 3 (Document, 13.9 KB)
In this episode, we talk to Rita Cottrell from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice about the workplace adjustments that she needs as a person with a hearing loss - deaf/hard of hearing.
Podcast transcript: Episode 4 (Document, 14.9 KB)
In this episode, we talk to Jacquie Duncan from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice about the workplace adjustments that she needs.
Podcast transcript: Episode 5 (Document, 14.6 KB)
In this episode, we talk to Dwayne Fernandes from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice about the workplace adjustments that he needs.
Podcast transcript: Episode 6 (Document, 15.9 KB)
In May 2021, Anti-Discrimination NSW participated in a podcast produced by Legal Aid NSW as part of their ‘Law for Community Workers on the go’ series.
In this podcast, Legal Aid NSW speaks with Sally Dews, a Conciliation Officer with Anti-Discrimination NSW. Sally talks about the types of unlawful discrimination that people can complain about in NSW, the conciliation conference process used by Anti-Discrimination NSW when a complaint is received, and the types of outcomes people can achieve through conciliation.
08 Aug 2024