Service complaints policy


Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW) is committed to handling service complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively. This policy provides guidance to people who wish to make a complaint about our service and provides guidance to staff on the principles and elements of our complaint management system.

What is a service-related complaint?

A complaint about ADNSW services, employees, policies, or the handling of a complaint where a response or resolution is expected or required is a service complaint. Examples of service complaints include delays in processing, conflict of interest or bias, or rudeness.

A service complaint is not:

  • a disagreement about a decision made under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 in relation to discrimination complaints, including how ADNSW assessed the evidence. If there is a complaint about a decision made under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, ADNSW will advise the complainant of review options
  • a staff grievance
  • disagreement with a decision made by a court or tribunal.

Guiding principles

ADNSW recognises that the effective management of complaints about our services, practices and complaint handling is critical to quality service delivery and accountability.

We aim to apply the six whole-of-government commitments to effective complaint handling:

  • respectful treatment
  • information and accessibility
  • good communication
  • taking ownership
  • timeliness
  • transparency.

Process for dealing with service complaints

ADNSW process for dealing with service complaints:

  • receive and resolve informal complaints about our service through frontline employees wherever possible
  • acknowledge service complaints within 5 working days where immediate resolution is not possible
  • aim to resolve service complaints within one month
  • where unable to resolve service complaints within one month, keep clients informed on the progress of their complaint
  • record, track, analyse and report on service complaints to the Anti-Discrimination Board and identify opportunities to improve service
  • service complaints will be investigated and responded to by an appropriate manager or the Executive Manager on behalf of the President of the Anti-Discrimination Board.

People making service complaints to ADNSW will be:

  • provided with information about our service complaint handling process
  • provided with accessible ways to make service complaints
  • listened to, treated with respect by staff, and involved in the service complaint process where appropriate
  • provided with reasons for our decision/s and options for redress or review.

Anyone may represent a person wishing to make a service complaint with the complainant’s consent e.g., advocate, family member, legal or community representative, member of Parliament.

If a person is not satisfied with the way ADNSW handles their service complaint, they can complain the NSW Ombudsman.

ADNSW expects that the complainant will treat staff with respect. ADNSW will not tolerate aggressive behaviour.


ADNSW will protect the identity of people making service complaints. Personal information that identifies individuals will only be disclosed or used by ADNSW as permitted under the relevant privacy laws, secrecy provisions and relevant confidentiality obligations.

Key roles and responsibilities

ADNSW expects all staff to be committed to the fair, effective and efficient handling of service complaints. The following table outlines the commitment expected from staff and how that commitment should be implemented.

Role Commitment How
President and Board Promote a culture that values complaints and their effective resolution
  • Review reports about complaint trends and issues arising from complaints
Executive Manager Promote a culture that values complaints and their effective resolution
  • Report publicly on ADNSW’s service complaint handling
  • Provide adequate support and direction to staff responsible for handling service complaints
  • Regularly review service complaint reports and make service improvements based on these where appropriate
  • Encourage staff to resolve service complaints promptly
  • Investigate and respond to service complaints as appropriate
Manager Establish and manage our complaint management system
  • Investigate and respond to service complaints as appropriate
  • Provide regular reports to the Executive Manager on issues arising from service complaints
  • Ensure recommendations arising out of service complaint data analysis are canvassed with the Executive Manager and implemented where appropriate
  • Train and empower staff to resolve service complaints promptly in accordance with ADNSW policies and procedures
All Staff Demonstrate exemplary complaint handling practices
  • Treat all people with respect, including people who make service complaints
  • Provide people with information about how to make a service complaint
  • Comply with this policy and its associated procedures
  • Keep informed about best practice in complaint handling
  • Provide feedback to management on issues arising from complaints and suggestions on ways to improve complaints management
Last updated:

26 Jul 2024

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