Community engagement in action

Published 27 May 2022

On 1 May, staff answered enquiries about workplace discrimination and parental leave for same sex couples at the Family Pride Picnic hosted by Rainbow Families in Petersham. The event attracted more than 400 people.  

On 12 May, ADNSW attended ‘Out for Western Sydney', a night of learning and networking with Western Sydney LGBTQ+ advocates, professionals and academics.

On 25 May, staff attended two events: The Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation's 'Bring your bills day' and the Law and Community Service Expo at Wetherill Park TAFE. The 'Bring your bills day' attracted more than 75 people whilst the expo attracted more than 200 students, many from Iraqi and Syrian backgrounds.

All events provided ADNSW staff an opportunity to connect with community and answer questions about discrimination and the complaints process.

Claire and Shabnam looking at camera smiling while standing at the ADNSW stall at the Family Pride Picnic
Claire and Shabnam staff the ADNSW stand at the Family Pride Picnic.
Narelle and staff from Birth, Deaths & Marriages looking at camera smiling
Narelle at the Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation Event with staff from Birth, Deaths & Marriages.
Panel sitting on a couch using microphone to speak to the audience
The panel discussion at Out for Western Sydney.
Shab standing next to ADNSW banner, smiling at camera
Shabnam attends the Law and Community Service Expo.
Last updated:

20 Jun 2024

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