1 February 2022
My name is Claire Williams and I am the Assistant Community Engagement Officer for Anti-Discrimination NSW. I am currently working from home, alongside my husband, three children and new puppy 'Potato' the Moodle.
I have a background in psychology and training and extensive experience engaging with and supporting diverse communities for not-for-profit organisations such as Lifeforce Suicide Prevention, CanTeen and the Leukaemia Foundation in NSW. I also spent several years in the UK working with Save the Children Fund and Marie Curie Cancer Care in Newcastle upon Tyne and County Durham, as well as 10 years doing some pre-marriage couple counselling and workshops on my free weekends in Sydney.
I have for decades worked with youth focusing on supporting, developing and empowering young people, their peers and families and with community organisations focused on supporting young people. I am enjoying focusing on youth as my current portfolio for ADNSW and will soon take on the LGBTIQ+ portfolio as well.
I have worked in community engagement at ADNSW for over 16 years, having started in 2005.
I have a passion for community engagement and justice. Diverse communities often lack support and are not provided with appropriate information. This has motivated me in my work, to make a positive impact on people’s lives by providing information and referrals to services.
My role is to consult and collaborate with organisations and individuals working with the community to ensure that the Anti-Discrimination NSW community engagement programs are aligned to resolve key issues and concerns.
I have facilitated many community information sessions with organisations and community groups about people’s rights and responsibilities under the Anti-Discrimination Act as well as participated in many fabulous community events from Fair Day to International Day of People with Disability, Carers Week and Harmony Day over the years. I work in a great team and wonderful organisation.
Community! Every day is different. It is a privilege to work with people and talk to them about our services.
I love the lightbulb moments and relief community members experience during an information session when they learn about how they can easily use our free services including our enquiry line and conciliation services - and can make a complaint in their own language.
Participating in outreach and community events has been amazing throughout my time at ADNSW. During COVID-19 lockdowns this has transformed into further collaboration with other agencies and online events which have been very successful for us and a really interesting experience.
Two teenagers and one young adult (only one who drives so far!) keep me on my toes as well as book club, pilates, walking our dog Potato and gardening (plus a bit too much Netflix, Binge, Stan and Disney during lockdown!).
Life is pretty busy; I recently helped my elderly parents downsize from a house to a unit so I never really have a day off!
20 Jun 2024