Published 30 August 2022
Hi! My name is Courtney Duraiz and I’m an Enquiries and Liaison Officer at Anti-Discrimination NSW.
I grew up on a 1,200-acre cattle farm near Sandy Hollow, NSW. I moved to Wollongong when I was 18 to complete a Bachelor of Social Science, majoring in Social Policy.
At the start of this year, my husband and I returned from an eight-month stay in Pakistan and the United States. I had never been overseas before, so to say it was an incredible experience is an understatement!
Before joining ADNSW in May this year, I worked at Service NSW in the Department of Customer Service. I learnt the importance of customer-focused service and discovered a love for continuously improving processes. I wanted to find a job which would let me develop those skills while focusing on complex social issues, like discrimination.
I am passionate about working towards a more inclusive future, and my role at Anti-Discrimination NSW allows me to do that while also applying the skills and knowledge I gained at university.
I am an Enquiries and Liaison Officer at ADNSW. That means I’m one of the four friendly officers who answers your phone calls and email enquiries every day! I explain the coverage of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 in NSW and refer people to different services, like free legal advice. I also get to collaborate and help out in other teams within the organisation. When I’m not taking calls, I’m emailing complainants to ask for more information about their complaint to help with the investigation process.
My favourite part of the role is speaking to people. It can be really hard to know which government 'door' to walk through when faced with a difficult situation in life. So, if I get to point someone in the right direction or make a government process more accessible, it makes my day.
I am a proud dog-mum to a beautiful border collie – Rami. He keeps me busy with walks, training and cuddles. I also love to knit; a scarf or a blanket is my go-to present idea because it’s low cost and made with love.
20 Jun 2024