February 2023
Claire* is HIV positive.
Claire had just started a beauty therapy course and after learning that some medications may interfere with beauty treatments, she confidentially shared her HIV status with her senior educator.
Claire was later approached by the CEO of the beauty school who suggested she complete the course online because her medications would interfere with the treatments and the younger students wouldn’t understand her situation.
Claire assured the CEO that her medications would not interfere with any treatments and could not be transmitted to other students, but the CEO questioned her about how HIV was transmitted to her and then asked her to leave the premises.
Claire lodged a complaint of disability discrimination with ADNSW.
The CEO of the beauty school did not agree with Claire’s version of events.
The complaint was resolved at a conciliation conference when the CEO agreed to pay Claire $7,500 in compensation and provide training to all employees and students about HIV, BBV transmission, standard precautions, and legal obligations toward students.
*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual
15 Feb 2023