June 2022
Patty* has a medical exemption from wearing a face mask because she suffers from anxiety and asthma.
Patty was refused entry to a retail store because she was not wearing a face mask. Patty offered to show her medical exemption to the shop assistant and insisted she be allowed into the shop.
The shop assistant maintained that she had to follow the shop owner’s policy to refuse entry to people not wearing a face mask and called a police officer to attend the store.
Patty lodged a complaint of disability discrimination with ADNSW.
The shop owner said they felt it was appropriate to refuse Patty entry for the well-being of the stores' staff and customers but agreed that the attendance of a police officer was not necessary in this instance.
The complaint was resolved by conciliation when Patty accepted the shop owner’s written statement of regret for any distress caused.
*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual
28 Jun 2022