School-aged boy with disability banned from out of school care

February 2021

Emil* is a school-aged boy and was diagnosed with ADHD. His paediatrician advised his parents that he shouldn’t be medicated with Ritalin. Emil attends before and after school care, and the centre manager gave him a letter for his parents that barred him from attending before and after school care while he is unmedicated. 
Emil’s father lodged a complaint on his behalf to ADNSW, against the provider of before and after school care. Emil’s father stated that the provider discriminated against his son on the ground of disability when he was given this letter. 
ADNSW conducted a conciliation conference by telephone between the parties and a number of actions were agreed to, including Emil’s return to the centre, an acknowledgement from the centre that barring him was wrong, an agreed process for future communication, implementation of an agreed behaviour plan, reimbursement of out of pocket expenses related to the period of the ban and credit of fees for future use of the period of the ban. 
*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual

Last updated:

11 Aug 2021

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