December 2022
Ingrid* was employed as a mature age apprentice.
On the anniversary of her friend’s suicide, Ingrid was experiencing anxiety and depression. Around this same time, Ingrid’s employer decided to proceed with a disciplinary meeting with her, despite her state of mental health. Ingrid felt this wasn’t fair because of her psychiatric disabilities.
Ingrid’s employment was eventually terminated by her employer. She felt as though she lost her apprenticeship because of a report of bullying she made to WorkCover.
Ingrid lodged a complaint of disability discrimination and victimisation with ADNSW.
The employer denied the allegations made by Ingrid and said that Ingrid’s employment was terminated because of her poor performance.
The complaint was resolved at a conciliation conference when the employer agreed to a pay Ingrid $10,000 to settle her general damages claim.
*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual
17 Jan 2023