Landlord failed to update records with legal name and gender of transgender tenant

June 2022

Chad* is a transgender man renting an apartment. 

Chad asked his landlord to change his legal name and gender on their tenancy agreement and on its electronic records system. Chad provided his landlord with proof of legal recognition of his name and gender on his birth certificate.

After repeated requests, Chad’s landlord still failed to change its records or the tenancy agreement to correct his name and gender.

Chad lodged a complaint of transgender discrimination with ADNSW.

Chad said that not having his legal name and gender on his housing records was misgendering and made it difficult for him when providing proof of identity. It also caused him psychological distress considering the obstacles he previously faced in the legal transitioning process.

The complaint was resolved at a conciliation conference when the landlord provided a written apology to Chad and issued a tenancy agreement and amended all its records to show Chad’s legal name and gender. The landlord will also consider the inclusion of suitable training for its staff.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

Last updated:

28 Jun 2022

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