Barred from online superannuation account after 65

July 2015

Naveed* is 65 and wanted to access his online superannuation account. As he had not retired yet, he wanted to check his account balance details.

However, Naveed discovered he could no longer access his account details online after turning 65. 

Naveed felt this was unfair and lodged a complaint of age discrimination with ADNSW.

At conciliation, the fund claimed that despite a few members like Naveed who had not retired after the age of 65, it would be financially prohibitive to provide the requested services to them.

The fund stated they were unwilling to build a new website, including the various scripts and programs required to calculate the account status of these few people.

The complaint was resolved when Naveed accepted an offer that he would be sent detailed quarterly account statements.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.

Last updated:

26 Jul 2021

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