Job offer withdrawn because woman wears hijab

June 2022

Aaliyah* is a young woman of Palestinian decent. 

Aaliyah was offered a position as a sales assistant in a high fashion women’s clothing store. When Aaliyah advised her new employer of her intention to wear a hijab, her job offer was withdrawn.

Aaliyah lodged a complaint of race discrimination with ADNSW.

The employer did not agree that they had discriminated against Aaliyah and said that they no longer wanted to employ Aaliyah because there had been a downturn in the industry.

During a conciliation conference, Aaliyah was offered another role within the company but decided to turn it down because she had lost faith and confidence in the employer.

The complaint was resolved by a financial settlement.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

Last updated:

28 Jun 2022

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