Workplace unsympathetic to employee who experienced family tragedies

July 2022

Adnan* lives in Australia while the rest of his family lives overseas.

Adnan asked his supervisor for some time off work so he could travel overseas to support his elderly dying father. Adnan’s supervisor was unsympathetic to his request and tried to discourage him from taking leave. Despite this, Adnan was still able to travel to see his father. 

Shortly after his father’s death and his return to Australia, Adnan’s sister was involved in an accident and placed on life support. Adnan and his family made the difficult decision to turn off life support. Adnan returned overseas to arrange his sister’s funeral and support other close family members. 

After losing two close family members in a short period of time, Adnan was suffering emotionally. When he returned to work, his supervisor continued to show no empathy or support for his situation, assigned him difficult tasks and told him to take sick leave if he could not do them. 

Adnan reported his experience to his company’s HR department but felt further victimised after a workplace investigation into his claims found no wrongdoing.

Adnan lodged a complaint of carer’s discrimination, disability discrimination and victimisation with ADNSW.

The complaint was resolved at a conciliation conference when Adnan and his employer agreed on a monetary payment to settle the matter.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual

Last updated:

10 Aug 2022

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