Harassment at work

February 2014

Rebecca* is a transgender woman and a nurse.

She worked as a nurse for 20 years, both before, during and after her transition from male to female.

When she was still identifying as male, Rebecca’s work colleagues sexually harassed her, including negative comments, touching, inappropriate calls and messages and requests for sex.

Her initial complaints to management were not addressed. She went on stress leave and during this time, transitioned into a female.

When Rebecca returned to work, her colleagues refused to acknowledge her new gender and refused to call by her new name.

Rebecca resigned from her position and lodged a complaint of sexual harassment and transgender discrimination with ADNSW.

At conciliation, Rebecca said her employer failed to respond to the complaints she made and failed to provide training for staff.

Her employer agreed to pay a compensation of $5,000; a written apology; and training for all employees on anti-discrimination legislation.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

Last updated:

22 Sep 2021

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