If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact us through the National Relay Service.
If you need an interpreter, please contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National).
Anti-Discrimination NSW promotes respectful communication and has zero tolerance of verbal or written abuse. Read our Guarantee of service to learn more.
If you would like to make an enquiry or complaint in person, please call or email to make an appointment.
If you have access requirements, please let us know when you contact us.
Gillian Stokie
Email: adbmedia@justice.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 0460 311 728
A subpoena, summons, statutory notice or order should be served at least 10 clear working days before the date Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW) is required to comply with the request for production.
The subpoena, summons, statutory notice or order should be addressed to:
Anti-Discrimination NSW
C/- The Proper Officer, Legal
Department of Communities and Justice
Locked Bag 5000 or 160 Marsden Street
Service of a subpoena, summons, statutory notice or order is preferred by email at adbcontact@justice.nsw.gov.au.
If a subpoena is served by email, a hard copy is not required to be served personally or by post. Service is also accepted by delivering or posting a copy of the subpoena, summons or statutory order at either of the above addresses.
30 Jan 2025