Team leader sexually harassed by male co-workers

September 2018

Grace* worked as a team leader in a corporate office.

The workplace culture was hostile to women and she was subjected extensive harassment by her male colleagues.

The sexual harassment included being referred to as a ‘bitch’ and a ‘c---', sexist comments made to Grace about other females and sex toys described to her.

Grace was repeatedly asked in an intimidating manner how she travelled to work and where she parked her car and obscenities were written near her name in a workplace diary and on her locker.

Grace went on stress leave and lodged a complaint of sexual harassment with ADNSW.

At conciliation, the complaint was resolved when the employer agreed to arrange training for the staff, reaccredit Grace’s leave and pay compensation to Grace for her suffering.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

Last updated:

27 Jul 2021

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