Annual Report 2023-24

From the President

It has been another busy and productive year for Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW) as we continued to administer the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) and strive to eliminate discrimination in NSW.

In a year that saw the Voice Referendum and world events that continue to impact many in our communities, it was more important than ever to promote respect and equality for all. ADNSW continued to strongly condemn violence or hatred within the community and spread the word about our free services available for anyone who experiences discrimination or vilification in NSW.

In November 2023, changes to the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 came into effect, extending laws prohibiting vilification on the grounds of race, homosexuality, transgender status or HIV status, to also cover religious belief, affiliation or activity.

We also welcomed the news that LGBTQ+ conversion practices will be banned in NSW, with new laws passed in March 2024. The ban will come into force in April 2025 and will outlaw damaging practices that attempt to change or suppress a person’s sexuality or gender identity.

We made our preliminary submission to the NSW Law Reform Commission review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. We look forward to the next stages of this important review to bring our state’s legislation up to date with antidiscrimination laws in other jurisdictions, and in step with contemporary practices and community expectations.

We continued to work closely with anti-discrimination and human rights bodies across Australia through our membership of the Australian Council of Human Rights Authorities (ACHRA). The ACHRA Conference and biannual ACHRA meetings provided valuable opportunities to discuss issues of common concern and endorse important statements. ADNSW was proud to be an event partner for the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Free + Equal Conference in Sydney in June 2024. Diverse leaders, experts and advocates came together for this landmark national forum, helping to build support for a much-needed reform of Australia’s human rights legislative framework.

This year, I had many valuable opportunities, including:

  • being part of the SafeWork NSW Respect at Work Advisory Group, a multi-agency group working to address sexual harassment in NSW workplaces
  • representing ACHRA at the national Respect@Work Council
  • participating in the Sydney Lord Mayor’s LGBTIQA+ Safety Summit
  • joining a panel about inclusion, cohesion and
  • anti-racism at Western Sydney Community Forum’s WALU Western Sydney Anti-Racism Week Leadership Forum
  • joining a panel at the Multicultural NSW Regional Engagement Program Annual Summit speaking about community resilience, legislative change and the importance of reporting discrimination and vilification.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the ADNSW Board for their enthusiasm, dedication and support. In January 2024, we farewelled two long-serving members, Melissa Monteiro and Trevor Robertson. I thank them both for their valuable contributions over their tenure as Board members. In March 2024, we welcomed the appointment of two new members, Elena Katrakis and Associate Professor Derya Iner, joining Joanna Davidson who has served on the Board since 2019.

I would also like to particularly thank our Executive Manager Mia Zahra, and Jackie Lyne who acted in the Executive Manager role for almost six months, for their leadership. Thanks also to all the staff of ADNSW for their hard work and ongoing commitment to making a positive difference to the lives of vulnerable people in NSW.

I also thank the NSW Attorney General, the Hon. Michael Daley MP for his support and encouragement.

It is an honour to serve as President of ADNSW and I look forward to continuing our work together towards our vision of a discrimination-free NSW.

Helen McKenzie

Last updated:

22 Nov 2024

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