Inclusive recruitment videos

About the series

Anti-Discrimination NSW has co-designed a series of videos to help public sector managers make recruitment processes more accessible and inclusive for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

The video series gives hiring managers valuable insights into barriers faced by CALD candidates in the recruitment process and offers effective strategies to attract, assess and onboard diverse people to find and retain top talent. 

These resources were developed in collaboration with managers and CALD job seekers, and are part of a wider inclusive recruitment research project we are working on with the Department of Communities and Justice.


  • Thinking and planning ahead for inclusive hiring processes

    Part 1: Thinking ahead

    Thinking and planning ahead for inclusive hiring processes


    Follow along using the transcript.

  • Designing an inclusive interview process

    Part 2: The interview

    Designing an inclusive interview process


    Follow along using the transcript.

  • Importance of post-interview follow-up

    Part 3: Closing the loop

    Importance of post-interview follow-up


    Follow along using the transcript.

Last updated:

21 Oct 2024

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