General social media toolkit

You can help us in the mission to eliminate discrimination in NSW with the following actions.

Follow and share the Anti-Discrimination NSW social media accounts, newsletter and website:

Post about us on your organisation’s social media account using the following sample posts and social media tiles. Remember to tag us on Facebook, X and LinkedIn. 

Direct and indirect discrimination

Post for Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram

Did you know there are two types of discrimination that are against the law? Direct discrimination is when you’re treated unfairly because of a characteristic you have, or you’re assumed to have, that’s protected by NSW law.

Indirect discrimination is when there’s a rule or requirement that’s the same for everyone but unfairly affects people who have one of the characteristics protected by NSW law.

Examples of direct and indirect discrimination are available on the Anti-Discrimination NSW website:

Post for X

Did you know there are two types of #discrimination that are against the law in #NSW? Direct and indirect discrimination. Definitions and examples of both are available on the Anti-Discrimination NSW website:

Social media tiles

Anti-Discrimination NSW contact orange tile
Anti-Discrimination NSW contact red tile

Discrimination in different areas of public life

Post for Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram

Do you have questions about discrimination that’s occurred at work, at school, at the shops or another area of public life? Anti-Discrimination NSW is here to answer your questions Monday to Friday, between 9am-4pm. 

For more information about your rights, head to the Anti-Discrimination NSW website:

Post for X

Do you have questions about #discrimination that’s occurred at work, at school, the shops or another area of public life? Anti-discrimination NSW is here to answer your questions Mon-Fri, between 9am-4pm. For more info about #yourrights, head to

Social media tiles

Disability Discrimination multicoloured tile
Disability-Discrimination yellow tile

Employer and service provider responsibilities

Post for Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram

Inclusion and fairness isn’t just the right decision, in some areas of public life, it’s the law. To find out how you can deliver fair and equal outcomes to your staff, check out the employers’ section of the Anti-Discrimination NSW website:

To find out how anti-discrimination law affects you as a service provider, more information is available on 

Post for X

Inclusion and fairness isn’t just the right decision, in some areas of public life, it’s the law. Find out how you can deliver fair and equal outcomes to your staff and customers in the #employers and #service providers section of  the ADNSW website:

Social media tiles

Public spaces discrimination multicoloured tile

Responsibilities at work

Post for Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram

Do you own a business? If you’re an employer, you should be taking all reasonable steps to ensure that you and your employees, contractors and agents do not discriminate against, harass or bully other employees. You can do this by educating your employees about discrimination and having an anti-discrimination policy in place. Learn more on the Anti-Discrimination NSW website: 

Post for X

Do you own a business? If you’re an employer, you should be taking all reasonable steps to ensure harassment and bullying isn’t happening in your workplace. You can do this by educating your employees about discrimination. Learn more at

Social media tiles

Employee Responsibilities orange tile
Employee Responsibilities yellow tile
Last updated:

12 Jul 2024

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