Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

Montage of two images. The first is a man raising his hand to say something and the second is a man showing another man information.

Advocacy organisation

Advocacy organisations are groups that speak up for people with disability. They can:

  • help you have your say
  • give you information and advice.

The Anti-Discrimination New South Wales icon.

Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW)

ADNSW is an organisation that helps stop discrimination in NSW.

A man raising his hand behind a barrier.


A barrier is something that stops you from doing something you:

  • need to do
  • want to do.

Montage of two images. The first is a man with his arms crossed looking upset and the second is a man giving a thumbs down.


When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something:

  • has gone wrong
  • isn’t working well.

Montage of five images. The first is a man in a wheelchair outside a building, the second is s man and a woman with a thought bubble that has a disability icon in it and another person in front of them who looks sad, the third is a person with a hand on their chest and the disability icon, and a stack of calendar icons with an arrow curving to the left, the fourth is a person raising their hand and the disability icon, and a stack of calendar icons with an arrow curving to the right, the fifth is two people shaking hands.

Disability discrimination

Disability discrimination is when you’re treated badly because:

  • you have a disability
  • people think you have a disability
  • you used to have a disability
  • you might have a disability in the future
  • you know a person with disability.

A group of people pointing and talking about a woman in a wheelchair.


Discrimination is when you treat someone badly because of something about them they can’t change.

A man looking upset and a brain icon with a plus sign in it.

Psychosocial disability

A psychosocial disability affects your me

Last updated:

14 Dec 2021

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