Pregnancy and breastfeeding discrimination

What is pregnancy and breastfeeding discrimination?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding discrimination is against the law.

It is when you have been treated less favourably than somebody else because:

  • you are pregnant, breastfeeding or expressing milk
  • you are the relative, friend or colleague of a person who is pregnant, breastfeeding or expressing milk.

Indirect discrimination is also against the law. This is when there is a rule or requirement that is the same for everyone but unfairly affects people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and is not reasonable in the circumstances.

In what areas is pregnancy and breastfeeding discrimination against the law?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding discrimination is against the law in certain public places, including:

  • workplaces, such as when you apply for a job or while you are at work
  • employment agencies, such as when you use recruitment companies
  • when you access goods and services, such as when you go shopping, do your banking or access medical services 
  • state education, such as when you apply for study and during your studies 
  • accommodation, such as when you rent accommodation 
  • industrial organisations, such as membership of a union
  • qualifying bodies, such as an institute that issues qualifications
  • at registered clubs (clubs that sell alcohol or have gambling machines), such as when you try to enter or join a club.

What can I do if I experience pregnancy or breastfeeding discrimination?

If you think that you have experienced pregnancy or breastfeeding discrimination, you can try speaking to the person or organisation responsible to express how you feel. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, or if it isn’t appropriate, you can contact us to make a complaint of discrimination.

If you are unsure if you have experienced pregnancy or breastfeeding discrimination or need more information, you can contact our enquiry service. 

Complaint case studies

Marg* was told not to breastfeed her baby while visiting a government-run institution.
Fatima* worked as a cook at a club.
Last updated:

12 Jul 2024

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