Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

A virus icon with an arrow pointing to a person.


AIDS is an illness you get when your body has been badly damaged by HIV.

The Anti-Discrimination New South Wales icon.

Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW)

ADNSW is an organisation that helps stop discrimination in NSW.

Montage of two images. The first is a man with his arms crossed looking upset and the second is a man giving a thumbs down.


When you make a complaint, you tell someone that something:

  • has gone wrong
  • isn’t working well.

A group of people pointing and talking about a woman in a wheelchair.


Discrimination is when you treat someone badly because of something about them they can’t change.

A group of people with different gender identities.

Gender identity

Your gender identity is not about your bodybeing male or female.

It is about who you feel you are as a person.

The virus icon with an arrow pointing to a cells icon.


HIV is a virus that attacks cells in your body that keep it healthy.

Three men talking to each other. Two have speech bubbles, one with hello in it and the other with Mandarin in it.


An interpreter is someone who:

  • speaks your language
  • helps you understand what someone is saying.

The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal icon.

NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)

NCAT is like a court.They can make a decision about your complaint.

Montage of four images. The first is a man trying to touch a woman's knee, she is pushing his hand away, the second is a man trying to kiss a woman, who doesn't want to be kissed, the third is a woman pointing at a man who is covering his private body parts, there is a speech bubble and sex icon above the woman, and the fourth is a woman looking away while a group of men are talking about her, one of the men has a speech bubble and sex icon above the them.

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is when someone:

  • makes you do sexual things you don’t

want to do

  • does something sexual to you that youdon’t want them to do
  • asks you to do something sexual thatyou don’t want to do
  • says sexual things to you when youdon’t want to hear them.

A woman and her partner smiling and laughing.


Your sexuality is who you:

  • love
  • are attracted to.

A transgenders person. Above them is a female icon with a cross and an arrow pointing to a male icon with a tick.


If you are transgender, your gender identity is different now to what you were given when you were born.

Montage of two images. The first is a man raising his hand to say something and a complaint form with a sad face on it, the second is two women using a laptop together.


Victimisation is when you’re treated unfairly because you:

  • made a complaint about your experience of discrimination
  • helped someone else who experienced discrimination.

A woman looking upset as people talk about her.


Vilification is when someone shows hatred towards certain people in a public area.

Montage of two images. The first is an office worker, the second is a woman talking into a headset.


A workplace is any place you might work, such as:

  • an office
  • a customer service centre.
Last updated:

13 Dec 2021

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