Sexually harassed student refused prioritised campus housing

September 2022

Anne* is a student living in student housing on her university campus. Anne says she was sexually harassed by another student and complained to the university about this.

During the COVID-19 lockdown students were asked to vacate student housing so Anne returned to her parent’s home. When the lockdown was lifted, the university allowed students to gradually return to student housing. Anne asked if she could be prioritised because she faced difficulties studying from home. The university refused Anne’s request and she thought this was because she had made a complaint of sexual harassment.

Anne lodged a complaint of victimisation with ADNSW. 

At a conciliation, the university denied that it had victimised Anne, but agreed to pay her $10,000 to resolve her complaint.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

Last updated:

01 Aug 2024

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