Harassed by co-worker

October 2016

Saj* worked as a labourer in a car yard.

His co-workers who were aware that he is homosexual, subjected Saj to ongoing harassment by making jokes about homosexuality and saying they “wanted the poofter gone.”

Saj made an internal complaint to his manager about the harassment, however this was unsuccessful, and the harassment continued.

Saj became depressed and took time off work, later resigning. He lodged a complaint of homosexual discrimination with ADNSW.

At conciliation, the employer said they took appropriate action as a result of Saj’s complaint and provided training for all workers. They claimed they were unaware of further incidents and that Saj had resigned because he was dissatisfied about a change to his duties.

The complaint was resolved when Saj accepted an expression of regret during the conciliation conference from his employer and a payment of $5000 in settlement.

*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the individual.

Last updated:

25 Jun 2021

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